Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Simulation questions

What happens when you add a proton? 
We get a + ion and a stable atom.

What does it mean when an atom is stable?  What does it mean when an atom is unstable? 
When there is at least one proton, more protons than neutrons or the equal number of neutrons and protons, the atom is stable. Otherwise (only neutron or more neutrons than protons) it is unstable.

How do you make an atom stable?  What do you need to do? 
We add protons and keep them equal with or more than neutrons.

What is the valence electron pattern as you move across the periodic table?   
When it comes to valence, every period starts with one and ends with eighteen,  increasing by one from left to right.

What happens to the atom when there is more protons, more neutrons, or more electrons?  

If there are more protons the atom is stable, if there are more neutrons atoms are unstable, and if there are more electrons we get a -ion.

What's the difference between a positive and a negative ion? 

With +ions there are no electrons and in -ion there are more electrons than protons.

How do you make a neutral ion (charge of 0)? 
You put an equal number of protons and electrons.

1 comment:

  1. When adding protons, it changes the element. Valent electrons increase along the period from 1 to 8. Good job overall.
