Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This article talks abuite jensus molacules that can deliver droug and they have two different chemical disctinct.  as scientists have reduced the size of Janus particles down to a few nanometers in diameter 
Scientists developing the first method that can rapidly and accurately map the chemical properties of the smallest of these Janus nanoparticles faces makes them potentially more valuable than chemically uniform particles. For example, one face can hold onto drug molecules while the other is coated with linker molecules that bind to the target cells.

This article was sort of hard to understand but then I understood it im not still sure but it is okay and it sort of made sense but some words were way too hard for me to understands equally I look them up on a dictionary for my level it was sort of hard but I could understand it and that was the good part of it.

It was intresting it was a new thing to mee I never herd abute this and in the picture it look like michle angelo im not quite sure if it was him im strill gouing to upload the picture to make you see what it look like it was sort of weird to understand and like I said before hard and complicated it was a medium level it was pretty intresting and surprising that scientist found out something like his it is just a little shoking too me I think it was intresting and confusing at the same time. 

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