Sunday, November 27, 2011


Baking soda and vinegar

Sophia 8A 27 November 2011

Guiding question: How does the amount of baking soda affect it’s reaction with vinegar?

Hypothesis: I think that when we change the amount of the baking soda the reaction will become bigger. And the baking soda will make it react.

Variables: are variables were the vinegar we would always keep it at 20ml we never changed it but what changed was the amount of baking soda.



Vinigar: 20ml

Baking soda: changes


Graduated cylinder


Procuduer: we first decided on what we would test then we got the materials’ and then we had to decided how we would do it e decided that the vinegar would stay the same and the baking soda powder would change so then we got a scale and weight the baking soda in a cup and then we would pour the vinegar in the cylinder always 20ml and then we would time the reaction and then we would recorded it in are notebook.

Record and analyze: first there were a lot of reactions one of them was that in most of them it would spill out but like in the last ones that we tested it stayed in the bottle but it made bubbles and it was fuzzy whit a lot of would go out of the bottle and in the bottles.

Baking soda and vinegar observations
Amount of baking soda
Observations’ /during/before
Time (sec)
It raised and then it become clear and foamy
It had a lot of foam and it made bubbles and it raised up more quickly than last time
It raised up but it did not spill it made a lot of bubbles and it was fuzzy.


It stayed in the cylinder but it made bubbles and it was fuzzy.
Fuzzy bubbly and it did not spill but It made a lot of bubbles.

It spilled out it made bubbles and then it went low again.
We did not calculate it.

Analysis of data: there were patterns in this lab we did because if you go to the graph you see on the graph because in some of them it spills and in some others it did not spill. In these patterns there were some same and some different the pattern was that it made bubbles and it was fuzzy and it would spill.
Conclusion: How does the amount of baking soda affect its reaction with vinegar? Well the experiments’ went fine in most of them it would spill and it would make bubbles and become fuzzy. The variables were to change the amount of baking soda and keep the amount of vinegar the same the whole time. we concluded that the baking soda reacting whit the vinegar work but as we went through are lab as we added more baking soda to the vinegar its reaction would change as more we added it spieled less at the end went we put 40g it did not spill or went we put 2g it did spill the 2g were to try and see if it was working or not at the end it did work. in one part it is and in one it is not my hypothesis was sort of wrong and right because more we added it reacted less and less we added the reaction would become bigger so it was the contrary.

Further inquiry: the data is a correct data I think there were no errors but me and my partner thought that there was an error because more we added of the baking soda to the vinegar it would react less I think that if we would have tested more it would have given us more results and maybe better ones. One question have is why did it do the contrary than I thought.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Current event 4

How Do Three-Legged Dogs Walk? Robot Makers Study Injured Animals' Gait to Build Resilient Machines

a group of scientist/robot makers are trig to create robot legs or eyes or what ever for dogs for cats it is a little harder because they climb and they are always out in the wild and they have study the moment of the dogs so they can create the new robot leg or whatever they are making for the dogs they are compering how a normal dog walks whit 4 legs and how a three legged dog walks they want to compere it.they found out that if one of the back legs don't work the front legs still function.

this current event was easy to follow and it took place in Germany it was a German scientist that made this experiment better said is doing i just saw a picture before writing abut it but the picture you cant really see it that well because the dog was in the snow so i did not really understand if he was actually hoping or walking o three legs.

it was really interesting it talk abut technology and animals at the same time this current event was pretty cool for me first of all because i like animals but i don't really have a second reason so that's why i like it well i herd about  it is really weird.

Current event 3


There are three types of diets in the animal kingdom they are called (carnivores,herbivorous, omnivorous)
these are the three types of diets in the animal kingdom.

Carnivores: these animals that have this special diet are called "carnivores" they are the animals that only eat meat they are the best hunters because they eat meat and know how to hunt.they eat meat or they eat a dead animal that is lying in the floor or they hunt them and then eat them the animals are vary protective about their food because it is not easy to live in the habit that they are in there are a lot of habits were animals live carnivores dont share their food whit other animal's if is something that they found or hunted because they think that it is there's but it is actually not because it was lying down everyone can take it. animals that eat meat are considers carnivores.carnivours come from the kingdom "carnivora".

Herbivorus: these are that animals that only eat plants they do not eat meat they are like people that are vegetarian they are actually vegetarians well for them life is more easy except if they live in the desert because plants are everywhere and they have food all the time so life is easier for them.

Omnivorous: these animals eat both things meat and plants they are like us because humans eat meat and vegetables well excpet the vegetarian people becouse those eat only vegetables.

i think this current event was relevant and they knew what they were talking about the info was scientific and it made sense but one thing was they had to put more info on the topic because it was a little short they should have put more info on the topic they were talking abut it was not even a hole page it was half page.i did not make any connections before writing about  it.

this was an interesting article i mean it was OK becouse it did not have that much information on what it was talking abute.i like animals so it was interesting but it was sort of confusing because the info was short but OK.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Reaction lab

    Sophia Laura         
Sophia Laura   



15 November 2011

Chemical Reactions Lab

Investigation question: What are some signs that a chemical change or reaction occurred?

Hypothesis:I think that the chemical and physical properties will change during the process, for example, size and maybe color.

graduated cylinder
baby food jars

Reaction table of elements

Observations before reaction
Observations after reaction
baking soda (soda bicarbonate + vinegar)
A white powder and a nasty smelly liquid that you usually put in salads.
It will change size and rise up.
Raised the  up when we put the vinegar to the baking soda and it is bubbly and foamy.
sugar + heat
A silver white aluminum paper and white sugar.
It will change colour and become caramel.
The color changed to black and yellow and then became caramel.
Copper sulfate sodium carbonate solution
A blue liquid with a transparent liquid.
It will change colour.
The colour changed - it became blue and it made bubbles.
Zinc piece (HCI)
A rock stone and a transparent liquid that burns your skin.
Becomes bubbly.
It became warm and it made bubbles and it had a nasty odor.
Calcium chloride + sodium carobrate
Two transparent clear liquids.
That it will change colour.
It became white and it made bubbles.
Copper sulfate + aluminium foil piece
Light blue liquid and a silvery metal piece of paper.
That will change color and will make bubbles.
The aluminium paper became red and even the water changed color.
Starch + iodine (I2)
White powder and red bloody liquid.
Colour changes.
It became yellow black and purple.

Analysis of Data: There were a lot of patterns in many reactions there were bubbles and the color in most of them changed. Another thing that was happening in the reactions was that in a lot of them the size and state changed, like in one of them it raised up and it grew while in another one it became from big to small -it shrank and it enlarged in some of them, not a lot of them though.

Conclusion: What are some signs that a chemical change or reaction has occurred? Well, at the end of the reactions we noticed a lot of things that happened. As i said the color changed in most of them and the size in some of them and in a lot of them bubbles continued showing up like in the baking soda that it is clear that they will come and in the (calcium chloride + sodium carbonate). Well, from the guiding question it seemed that the things that were stated in the guiding question actually happened in the experiments that we did. My hypothesis was actually pretty correct because the things changed during the process. Actually,  we knew that it would happen because it always does in an experiment. But I was pretty close because the physical properties like the size, state changed and that was one of the things I mentioned in my hypothesis, and the color too so I was actually right in my hypothesis. First of all, now I understand better how to do a lab and my observations. Actually I found out a pretty interesting thing while doing this lab. It was that chemicals are dangerous (some of them) and I understand better in what we are talking about in science class.

Further inquiry: What i think about my data is that part of it was correct and some of it was incorrect, because I got messed  up in what places I was supposed to put my observations. For instance, for the first one I put predictions first and I got mess up and had to resolve it. It was sort of hard to fix it but in the end  I made it. Probably, I could have improved it if I explained better what the material was. Next time I would write more and put more info into my observations. I just have one question - one of the experiments did not really make sense because from clear it became white. Well, it changed but it did not explode or something like that. I think that either the formula is wrong or we did something wrong with my partner.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Current event 2 (semester 1)

No need to shrink guts to have a larger brain

they have shown that brain of mammals have grown over the course of evolution without the digestive system needing to be come smaller this was found in the university of Zurich primatologist have disproved this this theory and demonstrated that mammals whit relatively large brain tend to have somewhat bigger digestive tract.the more fat and animal has it will likely to  have a small brain.

i think the information on this article i just read abut was appropriated and it made sense because it is actually true that if you have more fat your  brain is smaller and sometimes it is not but who knows if it is true or not i actually believed it but one part of this article was suspicious and that was when it talk abut that is you have a lot of fat you have a small brain it dose not mean that if you have a small brain your stupid or not smart you can be smart but your brain cant contain as much information as the other brains.

it was a really interesting article it was interesting to read and it made sense apart from the fat part everything was OK it was an enjoying article to read and it had sufficient  detail to support the information given in the article.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

semester 1 current event 1

"Zombie"worms found in Mediterranean fossil

Biblyogaphy: web page

date: November 1

this article talks abut a new specie that they found and it was found in a 3million old fossil whale bone  
the bone came from Tuscany , Italy it was the first time the genus osedaxs has been found in the mediteranian.the scientists suspected that the osedaxs were the responsible ones to erase parts of the fossil and deystroying bones before they became fossils.worms from the osedaxs do not have a mouth or guts but they consume the bone by grouing root-like tissues wich dissolves the bone as they grow.the scientist Nicholas Higgs discoverd a tell-trace of the oxsedaxs by using micro-CT.he says that: knew that I was on to something."after several promisings leads came to a dead end the scans from the final sample looked different and i knew that i was on something".

this article talk abute this worm that they recently discoverd and they presented scientific information to the pepole i just saw a picture of this worm that was presented whit the article.

this article was intresting i never saw or herd abute something like this trust me i herd a lot of things and of a lot of insects but i never herd smething like this it is intrsting but wierd it is wierd to here something like this.